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Response Management E-Commerce Registration E-marketing and Communications Information Management
What we do

E-Marketing and Communications

eRSVP enables you to inexpensively reach out to attendees around the corner or the globe — and around the clock. Integrated e-marketing tools deliver industry-leading tools for communication, reducing your costs and making your company more efficient in a web-enabled world.

eRSVP's e-marketing tool shifts the focus away from outbound contact campaigns — such as direct mail or unsolicited phone calls — and instead conjoin your strategies with event registration. If an attendee registers for a meeting or an event, this may be an opportunity to sell them other products, inform them of new offerings or subtly gain information, without jeopardizing the relationship. Additionally, eRSVP offers your event a web presence, which serves as a 24x7 "communication hub" for all event information.

Because each of our customers has unique requirements, our services are customized according to the specifics of their business. eRSVP can custom design a media-rich email invitation or announcement to reflect your event theme, organization identity, message, or target audience. To learn more about this custom solution, please call our sales team at 212-201-7785 or email. We will respond promptly.

Custom design eRSVP invitation email!

eRSVP can custom design an e-invitation that contains your logo and other graphic design. Attendees can link directly from the email to your event web site. This lets you custom configure your event message, and still keep up-to-date with the events.

eRSVP "empowers" meeting planner to:

  • Create event-website
  • Send Invitations
  • Track registrations and attendee statistics
  • Send reminders to respondents/non-respondents
  • Make announcements at any time
  • Add a bulletin board to promote interaction
  • Receive email from your attendees
  • Build an online Contact Book to manage attendee data

All this without and you never have to pick up the phone for your
IT department.
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